Everytime You Vote 3rd Party, God Shaves a Kitten

My owner voted for Nader and look what happened to me!


SlappyCat said…
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SlappyCat said…
I am not anti-third party. On the contrary, I would like to see changes to the electoral system where the Congress is apportioned by the number of votes each party receives. Say, for example the Green party gets 2% of the vote nationally. Two percent of the seats in the House of Representatives would go to the Green party. How would this affect the national political race? Well, instead of the “all or nothing” system of collecting Electoral College votes, the votes would be apportioned by candidate. In the end, the candidate with the most Electoral votes wins, but the “third party” candidates and their parties would win house seats according to percentage of the electoral votes they received.

Then we could all love Nader or David Cobb (Green Party) or Marilyn Chambers (Personal Choice Part) or whomever.

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