You might consider alternative media

There is a new postcard going out this week.

Considering the role of the major networks in covering the presidential race, It is doubtful that any of the majors can be considered “liberal media”. Indeed considering the U.S. mainstream coverage of the war on Iraq, can any of the big media corporations be considered fair, balanced or complete? Forget FOX. We know where they are coming from. Coverage from CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC and the mainstream print media is less than complete, as well.

If we want to get the whole truth, we will need to explore alternative media outlets and foreign newspapers. Unfortunately, this requires a little more effort than turning on the TV:
Whoever controls your source of information controls you.
-W.E.B. DuBois

Big media and the news organizations they control are no longer independent of government or corporations. Indeed, these news organizations have become the mouthpieces of governments and corporations and they can sell you anything, particularly fear.

Your mind is for sale. Up your asking price.


Please post comments with your favorite sources of news and/or sources you consider accurate, fair and balanced. ... or not.


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