In the war against women, we're all in the trenches.

While reading elsewhere, I came accross another blog right here on blogger. The author seems quite insightful and indeed, an astute observer of the deterioration of our civil liberties. This is from "Kit's Concatenation's" most recent blog entry:

The quietly passed gag rule against hospitals, doctors and clinics is only the tip of the iceberg in Bush's war against women -- or, I should say, the neoCon retrofundamentalist effort to recreate the Third Reich's social policy of kinder, kuche, kirche -- children, kitchen and church.

The effects will be small and widespread, almost invisible to the casual observer, unless someone takes the time and effort to collect data on them and analyze it -- but this will be difficult to do, if not impossible, since one of the first rules of Republican money is that no paper trail should be left so that the effects of policies could be seen. Ever since Reagan, whenever funding is cut, the first thing to go is money for recordkeeping. But the lack of records doesn't mean nothing is happening.


... the idea that a healthy woman of means is pregnant of her own free will and 'throws away the baby.' The men who write laws concerning women are not doctors; they often have no idea that there are sane, reasonable, and conventional medical uses for the procedures and medicines they ban. They see only one use for them -- as if fire were to be used only for burning things down instead of cooking food, giving light and heating homes.


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