Sex, lies and Ken Mehlman

The chair of Bush's reelection team and newly appointed head of the RNC isn't talking about his sexual orientation, but lots of other folks are.

In a recent column, the New York Observer's Michelangelo Signorile points out that since Mehlman appears "so confident labeling people based on outward characteristics," the fact that he the 37-year-old "'bachelor' who refuses to answer questions about his sexual orientation is a tip-off to many that he's a pathetic closet case, and a pretty vile one at that, having used antigay hatred (aka 'moral values') to help elect Bush."

"The White House may know he's gay and be fine with it -- after all, there are lots of out gays in the highest levels of the Republican Party. They may, however, be lying about his orientation to the religious right leaders, telling them he's straight, or they may be telling them that he is gay but he's a 'good gay' who is happy to sell his people out."


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