US Forces No Doubt, Thrilled

You get what you pay (vote) for.

All those soldiers who voted for Bush (and those who did not) are no doubt, [sarcasm on] thrilled. [/sarcasm off] An estimated 10,360 soldiers and Marines, some of whom already have had their service in Iraq extended from 10 months to 12 now get to extend their tours of Iraq another two months. To bolster security ahead of January's scheduled elections the US is increasing American forces in Iraq from nearly 140,000 to an all-time high of about 150,000.

Seventeen secular, religious and regional groups have called for a delay to the elections, but a spokesman for Ayad Allawi said Saturday the interim Iraqi prime minister is opposed to a postponement. You have got to keep up appearances that this is not an occupation. The US "freed" Iraq so that they could have elections forced upon them. It does not matter whether the US forces the Iraqis to vote tomorrow, January 30, 2005 or January 2010. "Elections" will not give the US war on Iraq any more legitimacy that it had when it "liberated" them in 2003. Democracy at the end of a gun is not democracy. The Bush administration can call this war anything it wants. The rest of the world sees the war on Iraq as it truly is: A misguided attempt to control the region's oil resources.

It is a testament to the Bush administration's hubris that they believe they can control Iraq/Mesopotamia where so many others have failed.


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