Who Does Your Senator Want a Bigger Check From? (OHIO)

Candidates raised more money in 2004 than ever before. But for some reason Ohio Republicans think they need more. So they have called a special session of the Legislature to railroad through a law increasing the maximum contribution per person to a candidate from $2,500 to a whopping $10,000 -- an increase of 400%.

This is a bill to give more power to special interests. It's sole purpose is to let politicians addicted to corporate interest money collect that money in bigger chunks.

The vast majority of people can't write $2,500 checks to politicians -- $10,000 is even more ridiculous. So as the Ohio Senate considers this legislation, it seems worth asking: Exactly who do the sponsors of this bill want to collect $10,000 checks from?

Why not ask them? Here's the contact information of the Republicans behind the Senate version of the bill:

Senator Randy Gardner, sponsor of the bill (number SB 1)
(614) 466-8060
Fax: (614) 466-7667

Senate President Doug White, the Republican leader
(614) 466-8082
Fax: (614) 466-7018

Who will their $10,000 checks be from? Wealthy donors seeking tax loopholes? Industrial polluters looking for taxpayer money to clean up their messes? Corporate executives buying legislation to let them off the hook when they defraud their investors?

With all the problems in our political process -- non-secure voting machines, waiting for hours in long lines at polling places, and a lack of confidence that our votes will even be counted -- it's stunning that they have the audacity to propose this kind of bill. They even shamelessly call it "reform" in order to trick people who still give politicians the benefit of the doubt when they talk about reforming our broken system.

Ohio Republicans have been plagued by campaign finance scandals -- now they want to legalize their money-for-influence operation. Contribution limits need to go down, not up, in order to stop the special money interests that control our democracy. This bill could be voted on this week -- let's speak up about it today.

Thank you.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

P.S. -- Find out who represents you in the Ohio Legislature and make sure they don't support this bill. If they do support it, ask them who they're expecting a $10,000 check from, too. You can find your representative's contact information here:

For the Ohio House

For the Ohio Senate


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