Witness says voting company tampered with machines after vote and tried to plant false information into Ohio recount

David Cobb, the unsuccessful Green Party presidential candidate, aired startling allegations at the Democratic House Judiciary Committee’s Columbus hearings Monday, alleging that a voting company representative tampered with voting equipment in an unspecified county last Friday and attempted to plant false information into the Ohio recount.

Cobb says that a witness who had requested anonymity watched a representative of Triad Systems enter a local Board of Elections unannounced and tamper with a vote tabulator which then lost all data.

The representative then, Cobb said, tried to convince employees to post false information so that it would appear as if the data was valid and had never been lost.
The dems should have been looking for this kind of hanky panky all along.


Anonymous said…
Why are none of the mainstream news outlets covering anomalies in the 2004 election? Maybe because media owners benefit from not questioning the election. With bush holding court, Big Fat Media gets fatter by keeping michael powell who gives away whatever is left of the public good in media regulation to the owners. According to the Center for Public Integrity, Big Media lobbied much more than Big Oil in the last few years. And that is seriously interesting because Big Fat Media also pockets the most in media advertising from funds all the campaigns raise. Big Fat Media turns around and puts a chunk of the profits they rake from the elections into lobbying. What Big Fat Media Wants, Big Fat Media gets from this government. When everything’s going Big Fat Media’s way, why change anything? Millionaire pundits aren’t hurting, and their votes were counted. Why should they care about the votes of working people, particularly black voters, whose votes weren’t counted? Michael Powell is golden to millionaire pundits and their well-fed bosses. What’s their motive to change the status quo?
October 28, 2004
The Center for Public Integrity released a report today finding that the communications industry – broadcast, cable, telecom and satellite – has spent nearly $1.1 billion on lobbying since 1998. To put the number in perspective, the oil and gas industries spent $396 million on lobbying in the same period.
(Center for Public Integrity – tip from Benton Foundation)
Public Integrity.org

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