Christian Right: Intolerant and Homogenous?

A "homosexuality detection expert" at the conservative Family Research Council told the NY Times that words like "tolerance" and "diversity" are part of a "coded language that is regularly used by the homosexual community."

So all these years we were taught to believe that acceptance of those with different views, races, beliefs, etc. was a laudable tenent. It turns out that any god-fearing, all-american, heterosexual should hate anyone different. Oh, I'm sorry; I forgot: this is business as usual in the evangelical land of W.


Deb said…
This is maddening. The simplicity of tolerance is so logical. I have an in-law who is waaay into the fundamentalist lifestyle. This person joyfully swims in that insane rhetoric, and then e-mails the right-wing agenda to me. I read and mutter f-u every other sentence. I would put a stop to the e-mails, except that I want to know what they are up to. What a dangerous bunch of fanatics.

I want my country back. Have you seen: ?
Every time I hear something insane going on in the U.S. (which is daily)...I check my poster to see if that person is listed. 9 times out of 10...there they are.

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