Hamilton County Democratic Party Meeting

Saturday, January 22nd at 9:30 a.m. at the Wyoming High School
Auditorium, 106 Pendery Avenue, Wyoming, Ohio

Through the good efforts of the Wyoming Democrats, the Hamilton
County Democratic Party will host a meeting on Saturday,
January 22nd at 9:30 a.m. at the Wyoming High School
Auditorium, 106 Pendery Avenue, Wyoming, Ohio 45215.

The purpose of this meeting will be to continue the discussions
that began at our meeting of November 22nd at the Letter
Carriers Hall and report back on what progress has been made
since then. Topics to be covered at the meeting include:

The appointment of new Precinct Executives;

The work of the Judicial Recruitment Committee being chaired by
Bruce Whitman and Eric Kearney;

The choice of a new Executive Director of the Hamilton County
Democratic Party after review of applicants by a screening
committee composed of Brendon Cull, John Smith and Maria Ferro;

Plans for a Campaign School directed by Council member Laketa
Cole and Tom Conway;

A report from the Social Issues and Religion Task Force chaired
by Joe Wolterman and Bruce Deaton;

A report from County Commissioner Todd Portune on regional
issues and progress;

A report from State Representative Tyrone Yates on the Finance
Task Force;

A report from Bernadette Watson and Jenny O'Donnell on the work
of the Cincinnati Democratic Committee;

A report on the Young Democratics revitalization;

A report from David Altman or David Cook on the progress of the
Democratic Forum;

A report from Jody Grundy on the work of the Southwest Ohio
Progressive Alliance;

A report from Lynn Worpenberg or Ashish Budev regarding
Democracy for Cincinnati.

There are plenty of opportunities for involvement in all of
these efforts.


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