Who are "Anti-Iraqi" Forces?

Language is not a transparent medium for representing reality but rather a cultural system that shapes our values and beliefs.

I was in an appliance store this weekend. I was passing a row of televisions while Faux News was on. The talking head was describing the latest insurgent attack. I noticed however, that he used the pro-war propaganda term, "anti-Iraqi forces" when referring to the attackers instead of the mainstream "insurgent". … And so the campaign begins (continues?) to co-opt our language to influence opinion of the US war on Iraq.

As I suggested a few months ago, as US forces have killed more Iraqis than insurgents have. ... Have caused more devastation and suffering than the insurgents; by any measure, US forces should be considered "Anti-Iraqi". When the US military was bombing Iraq back into the Stone Age, was the US media calling the military "Pro-Iraqi"?

Do not get me wrong, I do not support the terror that the insurgents are causing in Iraq. I just disagree with the terminology being used by the right wing media to attempt to sway our views while reporting the "news".


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