Peace Rally / Petition Drive

To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.
-- Abraham Lincoln

There are two issues we cannot afford to be silent
about, one local and one global, and on Saturday you can take a
stand on both issues.

The local issue is Ohio House Bill 1, the sweeping election law
changes, passed in a special December session of the Ohio
Legislature, that diminishes the rights of working families and
dramatically expands the influence of big corporations and
wealthy individuals.

The global issue is the War in Iraq. Remembering the
anniversary of the Iraq War is about keeping in our thoughts
the families of the more than one thousand five hundred service
personnel who have lost their lives, the thousands who have
been injured or maimed, and the loved ones of the tens of
thousands of Iraqi civilian casualties.

On Saturday, March 19, you can refuse to be silent about both
of these issues.

A growing list of sponsors, including the UC Antiwar-Coalition
and the Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center are sponsoring
a Rally and March at 1:00 p.m. on March 19, a Global Day of
Action on the 2nd Anniversary of the War. The Rally will be
held on Fountain Square in Downtown Cincinnati.

I encourage everyone to participate in this rally; please do
not be silent on this issue!

Saturday, March 19, is also the last day to gather signatures
for the Referendum Petition Drive to stop Ohio House Bill 1
from becoming law at the end of March, and put it on the ballot
in November so that all Ohio voters can decide if it should or
should not be law.

Those helping with the petition drive will meet at the Tyler
Davidson Fountain on Fountain Square at 12:30 pm. (I plan to be
there by noon, if you can make it then, please do, so that we
can get signatures as people arrive at the Square). I will
have extra petitions for those who need them (and so that we
can get signatures for every county). I will also collect
completed petitions so that we can get all petitions to David
Kolbe in Columbus on Sunday, March 20.

PLEASE ATTEND THIS RALLY to protest the War!

To sign up to help with the petition drive register at:


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