Again, House Republicans show that ethics are for sale.

Rep. Doc Hastings, R-Washington, made the proposal at a news conference yesterday. (Note that the proposal was made in the press; NOT to Democrats directly.) The offer: Democrats agree to the weakened House ethics rules (weakened in order to protect Tom DeLay) and the Republicans on the committee will "vote at the earliest opportunity to empanel an investigations subcommittee to review various allegations concerning travel and other actions by DeLay".

The primary objection is to a rule that would automatically dismiss cases in a tie vote -- allowing either party on the evenly divided committee to stop an investigation. As the ethics committee is comprised of an equal number of Democrats and Republicans, one can see how easy, under these new rules, it would be to stop an investigation.

Under Hastings' proposal, the Republicans are asking the Democrats to trade their principles for a shady promise of action on DeLay.

Here is a quick analysis of what would happen if Dems accept this Faustian contract:
First, the weakened ethics rules go into effect. Then the Republican "empanel and investigations sub committee". Next, the Republicans on the committee conveniently find no compelling reason to investigate DeLay. Tie vote. No investigation. Evil wins.

Let us pray (to which ever deity you chose*) that the Dems stand their ground.

*Best to enjoy this freedom now. If the Christian Right continues gaining influence over our government, you will have only one option.


Anonymous said…
The basic fallacy in your argument is in putting the words "ethics" and "Republicans" in the same sentence. These two words are fundamentally opposed. To Republicans, ethics are just a suggestion; something to be ignored whenever convenient.

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