Is the Christian Right the New Taliban?

Members of the Christian Right are pushing the President and Congress to impeach "activist" judges, cut funding to "activist" courts, and pass legislation like the Constitutional Restoration Act of 2005 - which would seriously limit the power of the Judicial branch, and affirm that [the Christian] God is the sovereign source of "law, liberty, or government."

Combined with threats by Republican members of Congress (U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, Tom DeLay) that judges who make politically based decisions may inadvertently bring violence upon themselves and we can start to see where the Christian Right is going with this. They would replace rule of law with the rule of fundamentalism; Christian fundamentalism.

This is a two pronged attack: Intimidation of judges with State-condoned violence and legislation to remove Constitutional judicial powers.

How is this different than Islamic theocracies?


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