New pope intervened against Kerry in US 2004 election campaign

As if there is not enough coverage of pope selection already...

Frankly I am tired of hearing about the death of the pope, the speculation on who the new pope would be and the announcement of who the new pope is. Now we get to hear all about his childhood, what kind of food he likes and how often he spanks it. Perhaps FOX should start a 24 hour pope network.

I suppose that the closer the United States moves toward becoming a theocracy, "all pope, all the time" media coverage should be expected. Of course we cannot forget about all of our other whack job non-catholic religious extremists on the Christian right... but I digress.

So forget about the separation of church and state. They will soon be one. It should come as no surprise that the Catholic Church would have their own role in U.S. elections. This is really, rather old news.


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