US State Department to Stop Publishing Terrorism Statistics

Looks like another game of Bush Administration 'Hot Potato'.

For the first time since it began issuing the annual global terrorism reports, the US State Department has said it will stop publishing statistics on terrorism activities worldwide, handing over the task to a new government center.

I suppose after the State Department got burned last year for outright lying, [The State Department reported a decline in major terror incidents in its annual report last year, and the figures had been used by the Bush Administration as proof that the United States was winning the war on terrorism. The department, however, had to issue a corrected version later which showed an increase in major terror incidents instead.] they decided pass the buck this year:

"The government has decided that the National Counterterrorism Center should compile and publish statistical data on terrorism that has previously been included by the State Department in our report," Department spokesman Richard Boucher said .

"They are the people who do the detailed work," he said while announcing that the Counterterrorism Centre, established last year by the Congress, would take on the job.

I would imagine that all the car-bombing in Afganistan and Iraq alone would show a tremendous uptick in the statictics: A direct result of "U.S. anti-terrorism efforts". ... And we cannot have that now can we?

Bush's "War on terrorism" is causing an increase in the number of terrorists attacks. By not releasing the statistics, the report appears even more like a cover-up.

I take that back. It is not a game of 'hot potato'. It is going to be another game of 'button, button, Who has the button?' As it is very likely the Bush Administration will hide the facts and shop the report around to different agencies and congress until the statistics surface in some mutated form that supports the Administration's view.


SlappyCat said…
When are the American people going to get tired of being lied to by their government? The Bush Administration honestly believes that we are all complete idiots and we must be; We elected him for the first time, again.

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