Does the FBI have a file on you?

The police help protect us from criminals and terrorists, but do you want FBI agents and local police spying on environmental, anti-war, political, and faith-based groups? Do you feel safer knowing they might be spying on you?

Documents obtained by the ACLU through the Freedom of Information Act prove that the FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Forces are collecting files on peace groups, and intimidating anti-war activists through aggressive questioning.

The public deserves to know who is being investigated, who's doing the investigating, and why. Learn more about the Americans already under investigation and find out how you can help the ACLU fight for the privacy of political and religious groups.

Are you in an FBI file? Take this short quiz to find out.

Collecting files on anti-war and environmental groups has nothing to do with fighting terrorism and will not make us safer. If anything, diverting FBI and local law enforcement resources to monitor political and religious expression will weaken our ability to fight terrorism.


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