Pat Robertson: One of the scariest religious whackos out there

Federal judges are a more serious threat to America than Al Qaeda and the Sept. 11 terrorists, the Rev. Pat Robertson claimed Sunday on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos".

Robertson, never one to support civil liberties, would rather transform the United States into a Fascist regime than allow U.S. citizens free will or free speech. He completely ignores the purpose of the Judiciary as protector of our human rights against an over-zealous Executive and/or Legislative branch. Strike that. He knows exactly the purpose of the Judiciary. He would just rather destroy it, as the Judiciary presently stands in the way of transforming the United States into a theocracy.

The religious right is a greater threat to the North American way of life than terrorism. In the world that Pat Robertson envisions, there is no freedom of religion, no freedom of expression, no right to life, nor liberty. There is only Christianity. And this is the law. Sounds very familiar to Iraq and Afghanistan. If our society ever goes this far, perhaps the U.S will have to declare war on itself.


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