The right-wing have now perverted Christianity to the point where Democrats are no longer welcome in church.

From The Democratic Underground:

The Rev. Chan Chandler made an interesting move last week when he decided to cut his congregation in half and rid himself of the sinners. Who are the sinners? Well according to Chandler, they're anyone who voted for John Kerry in 2004. Chandler, pastor of Waynesville NC Baptist Church, informed his congregation that if they did not vote for Bush they needed to publicly repent or leave his church forever, because he didn't want to be associated with people like that. Well maybe they don't want to be associated with you, Rev. Chandler. Apparently Chandler kicked nine people out of the church - some who had attended for more than 30 years - while other members of the congregation stood up and applauded. 40 more members of his congregation subsequently walked out in protest. Oddly enough, Chandler had the audacity to tell reporters that "the actions were not politically motivated." Uh, what? You know, I'm not sure what warped version of Christianity this is, where people are excluded and denounced for not voting for a particular politician. But somehow I don't think Jesus would approve.

Is there really a "silent majority" of religious whackos? I seriously doubt it. There are just a few very loud nut-jobs out there who feel that it is their time in the spotlight; that "they have a mandate". They are starting to give religious nut-jobs a bad name. If Chandler were to have his way in the coming U.S Theocracy, 50 percent of the population would be behind bars. We have always been told that Jesus loves everybody. Chandler does not think this is so. Perhaps it is time that the Baptist Church excommunicated Rev. Chanler.


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