Impeach Bush/Cheney Now

We now know, thanks to a leaked British memo concerning the head of British intelligence, that the Bush administration -- contrary to its explicit denials -- had already made up its mind to attack Iraq and "fixed" those bogus allegations to support its decision. In short, Bush and his top officials lied about Iraq. Going to war is the most serious decision a president can make. It should never be approached in a cavalier fashion. American lives, the prestige and influence of the country, international relations, the health of its defenses, and the future of the next generation are at stake. Yet every single piece of evidence we now have confirms that George W. Bush, who was obsessed with unseating Saddam Hussein even before 9/11, recklessly used the opportunity presented by the terror attacks to march the country to war, fixing the intelligence to justify his decision, and lying to the American people about the reasons for the war. In other times, this might have been an impeachable offense.

The rumblings have started. Soon it will be a roar. Just check some of these posts:

Letter to Pres Bush Concerning "Downing Street Memo"

After Downing Street Web Site

Truth and Deceit

My opinion Bob Herbert: U.S. needs more than image retool

Please be aware: U.S. solders in Iraq ARE NOT fighting (and dying) for OUR FREEDOM. They ARE NOT fighting to rid Saddam Hussein of WMDs. They ARE NOT fighting the 9/11 terrorists. They are fighting for Bush's lies. They are fighting for Iraq's oil. They are fighting for Bush Jr.'s revenge on Saddam Hussein. Bush lied to start this war. He is lying to us now about torture. It is time for Bush to go.


SlappyCat said…
Don't forget
"The Lies that led to War" at

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