Bush gives up even trying to apear to have ethics

President Bush is completely back-pedaling from his 2004 pledge to fire anyone involved in leaking the name of CIA operative Valerie Plame.

Now that it appears that his most trusted, most evil confidant is the guilty party, Bush is adjusting his rhetoric. According to the Shrub, Darth Rove must now be convicted of a crime before said Shrub will fire him. I guess giving Rove his walking papers will be a lot easier once convicted, as he will be on his way to prison anyway.

The Shrub is on his way to being a bigger flip-flopper than John Kerry and he might want to pay careful attention to some of the things he says with such conviction. e.g.:

"...if someone committed a crime, they will no longer work in my administration ..."

Well Mr. Shrubbery, if you were to live by those words, you would have a pretty empty office. You might want to adjust your rhetoric again in the future to something like, "If someone in my administration who is not Karl Rove or Dick Cheney committed a capital crime they will no longer ..."

But given your administration's record, I imagine that you would have to back-pedal on that statement as well.


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