Bush Nixes Public Access to EPA Libraries!

If you cannot squelch public opinion and facts with propaganda and lies, just block access to the facts.

It seems that the self-appointed "Decider", George W. Bush, has decided to "end public access to research materials" at EPA Regional libraries without Congressional consent. In an all out effort to impede research and public access, Bush has implemented a loosely covert operation to close down 26 technical libraries under the guise of a budgetary constraint move. Scientists are protesting, but at least 15 of the libraries will be closed by Sept. 30, 2006.


The suppression of information to the public and efforts to control the flow of information of the sciences has reached critical mass. Shades of the once science fictional book, Fahrenheit 451, are dangerously close to reality and the banning and burning of books looms all to surreal, but are more fact than science fiction now. Who could have ever envisioned that Ray Bradbury's vicious, futuristic, dystopian society would ever come to fruition; but it may indeed have done just that!

See, Bush positively does not want the American people to know about the real effects of global warming, mercury levels, air pollution, and any other topic, which if known about by the populous, would undeniably be dire for "Corporate America". Bush is unconcerned with your health, my health, the health of our children and the future of this planet we all call home. What he is concerned about is the gleaming health of the bottom lines of the corporate trough from which his completely corrupt and dangerous enterprise feeds.


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