Pentagon's Propaganda Machine

The Pentagon has been planting "news" stories in the foreign press for several years. Government propaganda in the U.S. is supposedly illegal though the Bush administration seems to flaunt this with impunity and FOX news is all too happy to assist. Setting the constitution aside, the Pentagon has announced a new "media war" unit to add it's own noise to the din of misinformation in the world.

Fearing that insurgents and anyone else deemed unfriendly to U.S. policy (including U.S. citizens) are gaining the upper hand in the dissemination of information, disinformation and misinformation, the Pentagon will continue to plant U.S.-friendly news stories in all media outlets that it can manage to infiltrate including 24 hour news channels, the Internet and newspapers.

What is different? Nothing. The Pentagon is merely announcing that it is doing something that it has been doing all along. They are covering their butts so no one can act surprised when U.S. citizens wake up and realize how much and how often they have been lied to by their government. This is just another salvo in the propaganda wars.


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