
Showing posts from January, 2005

Christian Right: Intolerant and Homogenous?

A "homosexuality detection expert" at the conservative Family Research Council told the NY Times that words like "tolerance" and "diversity" are part of a "coded language that is regularly used by the homosexual community." So all these years we were taught to believe that acceptance of those with different views, races, beliefs, etc. was a laudable tenent. It turns out that any god-fearing, all-american, heterosexual should hate anyone different. Oh, I'm sorry; I forgot: this is business as usual in the evangelical land of W .

Turner Compares Fox's Popularity to Hitler

By Jim Finkle -- Broadcasting & Cable, 1/25/2005 2:14:00 PM Ted Turner called Fox a propaganda tool of the Bush administration and indirectly compared Fox News Channel's popularity to Adolf Hitler's popular election to run Germany before World War II. Turner made those fiery comments in his first address at the National Association for Television Programming Executives' conference since he was ousted from Time Warner Inc. five years ago. The 66-year-old billionaire, who leveraged a television station in Atlanta into a media empire, made the comment before a standing-room-only crowd at NATPE's opening session Tuesday. His no-nonsense, sometimes humorous, approach during the one-hour Q&A generated frequent loud applause and laughter. Fox wasn't laughing, however. "Ted is understandably bitter having lost his ratings, his network, and now his mind," said a Fox News spokesperson. "We wish him well." Turner's comment came...

Third columnist caught with hand in the Bush till

And three makes a trend One day after President Bush ordered his Cabinet secretaries to stop hiring commentators to help promote administration initiatives, and one day after the second high-profile conservative pundit was found to be on the federal payroll, a third embarrassing hire has emerged. Salon has confirmed that Michael McManus, a marriage advocate whose syndicated column, "Ethics & Religion," appears in 50 newspapers, was hired as a subcontractor by the Department of Health and Human Services to foster a Bush-approved marriage initiative. McManus championed the plan in his columns without disclosing to readers he was being paid to help it succeed. And just prior to McManus: More Rented Press Columnist Maggie Gallagher received $41,500 in contracts from the US Department of Education and the US Justice Department to work on and promote the Administration's "healthy marriage" initiative. According to The Washington Post, in one column ...

End-Timers & Neo-Cons -The End of Conservatives

Great article by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. Short and Succinct: [excerpt] Not so long ago I would have identified the liberal media as the New York Times and Washington Post, CNN and the three TV networks, and National Public Radio. But both the Times and the Post fell for the Bush administration's lies about WMD and supported the US invasion of Iraq. On balance CNN, the networks, and NPR have not made an issue of the Bush administration's changing explanations for the invasion. Apparently, Rush Limbaugh and National Review think there is a liberal media because the prison torture scandal could not be suppressed and a cameraman filmed the execution of a wounded Iraqi prisoner by a US Marine. Do the Village Voice and The Nation comprise the "liberal media"? The Village Voice is known for Nat Hentoff and his columns on civil liberties. Every good conservative believes that civil liberties are liberal because they interfere with the police and let criminals go free...

US 'terminates' Iranian website

(Christian) God forbid there be any independent (READ NON US GOVERNMENT VETED) news sources EVER! Granted this is just one site that we know of at the moment. However, how soon until the US government censors ALL Web sites coming out of the Middle East? The rest of the world? It is not a large step away from the US government erecting their own digital GREAT WALL OF CHINA . Iran was last week cited as a "outpost of tyranny" by Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's choice for new US secretary of state, and it was and labelled the world's chief potential trouble-spot by Vice-President Dick Cheney. --Reason enough to cut off any voice coming out of Iran? According to the Bush Administration all US citizens and, presumably, the rest of the world should take the medication they are fed by the US. No other views need apply when Bush comes to shove! The BBC's Frances Harrison in Tehran says the incident has prompted renewed pressure on Iran and other Islami...

Christian Right HATES Spongebob

Right-wing Christian group "Focus on the Family" seems to have a problem with Spongebob. There are really A LOT of people out there with nothing better to do than sit up at night spanking it and worrying that someone somewhere may be having fun. Or worse yet, being exposed to subversive ideas like friendship, tolerance and diversity: Focus on the Family and other groups say the video - a remake of the Sister Sledge hit, We Are Family - is a vehicle for pro-gay propaganda. Nile Rodgers, who wrote the song and is founder of the We Are Family Foundation (WAFF) which released the new video, says it is intended to help teach children the values of co-operation and unity. I think John Stewart pretty much summed it up: "Any group with 'family' in the tittle is probably not a happy group."

Hamilton County Democratic Party Meeting

Saturday, January 22nd at 9:30 a.m. at the Wyoming High School Auditorium, 106 Pendery Avenue, Wyoming, Ohio Through the good efforts of the Wyoming Democrats, the Hamilton County Democratic Party will host a meeting on Saturday, January 22nd at 9:30 a.m. at the Wyoming High School Auditorium, 106 Pendery Avenue, Wyoming, Ohio 45215. The purpose of this meeting will be to continue the discussions that began at our meeting of November 22nd at the Letter Carriers Hall and report back on what progress has been made since then. Topics to be covered at the meeting include: The appointment of new Precinct Executives; The work of the Judicial Recruitment Committee being chaired by Bruce Whitman and Eric Kearney; The choice of a new Executive Director of the Hamilton County Democratic Party after review of applicants by a screening committee composed of Brendon Cull, John Smith and Maria Ferro; Plans for a Campaign School directed by Council member ...

Doesn't anyone find this disturbing?

‘The Salvador Option’ The Pentagon may put Special-Forces-led assassination or kidnapping teams in Iraq The last I heard, US laws prohibit assassinations. Oh, but I must have forgotten that US laws do not apply to our President. Neither do international treaties such as the Geneva Conventions. For all Bush's talk about "The rule of law", he sure finds it easy to ignore principles, laws and rules when convenient. Hmm, most of the Middle East does not trust the US? It is hard to imagine why. The rest of the world doesn’t trust the US either and were loosing friends fast. Go figure.

Mississippi libraries ban 'Daily Show' book

Let's see ... Indiana holy rollers want to rename Interstate 69. Republican member of the Alabama state legislature wants to ban all books that even mention homosexuality, and now Library officials in two southern Mississippi counties have banned Jon Stewart's best-selling "America (The Book)" over the satirical textbook's nude depictions of the nine U.S. Supreme Court justices. The United State needs to lighten up. Fundamentalism: A terrible, pervasive fear that someone, somewhere is having fun. - H.L. Menken

The Top 10 Conservative Idiots

Your going to love this. ... A must read from the Democratic Underground: .... Armstrong Williams (1) and the Bush administration got caught up in a payola scandal, Alberto Gonzalez (2) went before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and John Cosgrove (3) has been getting some inspiration from The Handmaid's Tale. Elsewhere, Kenneth Blackwell (5) has been getting up to partisan (and illegal) mischief, George W. Bush (7) is fiddling while Rome burns, and has Bill O'Reilly (10) finally lost the plot? Read more ...

In GOP, resistance on Social Security

Few share Bush's sense of urgency, appetite for battle Many Republicans are expressing reservations about the political wisdom of President Bush's vision for restructuring Social Security. ... And rightly, they should.

Republicans reverse themselves on ethics rules

Let's see. ...Let everyone see us for the evil, ethically relativist criminals we are, or because the eyes of the public are upon us, try to at least APPEAR ethical. House republicans decided to retain a tough standard for lawmaker discipline and reinstatie a rule that would force Majority Leader Tom DeLay to step aside if indicted by a Texas grand jury. Jonathan Grella, a DeLay spokesman, said DeLay still believed it was legitimate to allow a leader to retain his post while under indictment. But he said by reinstating the rule that he step aside, DeLay was "denying the Democrats their lone issue. Anything that could undermine our agenda needs to be nipped in the bud." So, if it were not for the possibility of being called unethical, it would be OK to be unethical.